21-Day Heart Cleanse begins April 5
21-Day Heart Cleanse 
begins April 5
Break unhealthy patterns.
Crush limiting beliefs.
Open yourself 
to love.

We all have walls. We've built them to protect ourselves from past hurts and rejections. Then we reinforce those walls every time that hurt threatens to reappear. It's a natural response. Unfortunately, it doesn't work quite the way we want. Building these protective walls also locks out the things we want most.

Connection. Authenticity. Love.

Learn how to tear down your walls, brick by brick.

In the 21-Day Heart Cleanse you will begin to do exactly that.
  • Look back at the life-altering moments that changed you forever. Spoiler: It's not always what you think.
  • Revisit your memories in a gentler way than you've done before. (Yep, your secrets too.)
  • Heal and release the pain still trapped in your heart. (Sorry, ignoring it won't make it go away.)
  • Uncover the hidden beliefs that are holding you back... AND replace them with new ones.
  • Squeeze all the learning you can from your painful experiences. (I bet you're even grateful for them by the end.)
  • See your relationships with new eyes. Prepare to watch some of them change in pretty miraculous ways!
Hi, I'm Stacy.
It used to be that describing me in three words looked something like this… 
Control Freak.  
And I would have proudly said, “Yep, that’s me.” 

Those are leadership qualities, right? I have high standards. I’m results-driven. Those are the reasons I AM a SUCCESS.  

Then one summer I suddenly felt sad. And very very lonely.

I come from a large family. I'd been married for 25 years with three boys. I belonged to a community and had plenty of friends. 

I was not alone. Why didn't I feel connected?

I had a realization: I was using success and recognition as a substitute for love. What I really wanted underneath that desperate pursuit of acknowledgement and praise was to feel loved. Deep down, I didn’t even love myself. I didn’t think I deserved love. How was I ever going to let myself be loved if I didn’t feel worthy of it?
As painful as that moment was, it was a revelation. I knew I was willing to do ANYTHING to live a deeply connected life, in love with the real authentic me. I pressed pause on everything non-essential in my life so the universe could guide me through whatever that journey needed to be. This 21-Day Heart Cleanse is the result.

The experience completely changed me. Not that I don’t still love results or want to lead. I no longer need them to feel worthy. I’m worthy no matter what.

That’s what I want for you, my friend. You deserve a life where you can truly love yourself, fully love others, and receive all the love trying to get to you.
  • Forever access to 21 Heart Cleanse video trainings (approximately 10 minutes each)
  •  Access to our exclusive Heart Cleanse Facebook group
  •  Additional Live trainings in our Facebook group
  •  Support from the other Cleansers working through the course, and the opportunity to learn from their breakthroughs
  •  Heart Cleanse Companion Workbook (downloadable) with daily exercises to accompany each video
  •  All my love (I'll be looking for ALL the ways I can support you on this journey!)

How conditional is your self-love?

How long are you planning to withhold it from yourself?

How many requirements must you meet before you allow yourself to feel it?

When will you be worthy of the dreams you have?

What do you need to be able to wrap your arms around yourself and whisper...I love you.

Can you say it aloud?

Can you tell the world you love yourself?

What will it take for you to open up and welcome the love that's trying to flow to you?

We were created to love and be loved. YOU deserve to feel that love. 

Unblock your limitless capacity to love others and, especially, to love yourself. 

Are you ready to look back so you can move forward?
Why is it called a Heart Cleanse?
Cleanses are tough love, doing something challenging because you want to come out healthier on the other side. We are serving our hearts truth, love, and gentleness for 21 days. It won't always be easy but we'll feel energized and renewed by the end.

What if I can't finish in 21 days?
The Heart Cleanse doesn't have to be completed in 21 consecutive days. Trust yourself and your own timing. Just please please PLEASE don't stop in the middle. You want to make sure you summit the mountain on this one.

Should a couple do it together?
Sure! Fair warning though... each person needs to be given the space and support to have their own individual experience. Some sticky stuff might surface and both people need to be in a loving place to let that play out.

Will I have to tell my story?
Your level of participation and sharing is totally up to you. This might be a solo journey and that is completely fine. I know it was for me. And some people really stretch themselves and embrace the chance to be vulnerable in a safe and loving place. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Just your way.

Do I have to have Facebook?
Nope, no social media required. Your forever access to trainings and the workbook are yours through our membership site.
What other heart cleansers have said...
"I knew the heart cleanse was helping me when I suddenly didn't feel angry, or hurt, by those old stories anymore. I had worked through what had really happened, owned my part, and let everything go. I feel at peace with myself, my loved ones, and the world in general after doing the heart cleanse. I honestly had no idea how many of my stories were tied to the same core belief. Once that was identified, I could work through it and let it all go."  -Natalie
"Wow. Who I was before the Heart Cleanse was someone who blamed others for relationship issues. The Heart Cleanse helped me to see and accept my responsiibility in issues in relationships. It's been a very humbling yet liberating awareness."  -Kristin
"Doing the Heart Cleanse is one of the best choices I've made in my life. I've tried many other mehtods of changing my core beliefs and thinking patterns, and this is what has worked best for me. Stacy truly cares about the participants in the cleanse and is very giving of her time and energy. You can tell she wants it to be a valuable experience for everyone involved and caters to participants' differing needs. I naturally had hesitations at first, but there is ample content and a fantastic community of support. After the course, I feel truly empowered to handle challenges that come my way with this method, and with Stacy's continued support."  -Tracy
"I am so grateful for you and the gift of the 21 Day Heart Cleanse. It allowed me to crack my heart wide open. I now have healthy new beliefs that are serving me and my highest good. The journey into my heart continues and will be never ending. With your tools, it is making it easier to do."  -Justine
"Just finished writing my NEW love-based core beliefs! How amazing and empowering! I am worthy of love just as I am. I am ENOUGH just as I am. I can approach my relationships with an open and trusting heart...and that's the only way to move forward."  -Amy
"What a powerful 21 days. Even if I wasn't writing every single day I was still thinking, contemplating, crying and feeling my heart stories daily. I've said this many times over the last few years and this workshop has reinforced it, that I can forgive people without them knowing. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I can break free from those chains that left my heart so guarded. Thank you."  
"Before the heart cleanse, I was clogged and feeling sad. I desperately needed self-love to flow freely which in turn would help in other areas of my life regarding love. Stacy led me through daily reflections on events in my life I’d forgotten about or dismissed as having any impact on my life today. The heart cleanse gave me tools to dissect those events and diffuse them so they no longer had an impact in my current life."  -Andrea
"I have gone through the 21 Day Heart Cleanse twice and cannot say how much Stacy has helped me over the last year."
"I have been doing work like this for years...letting go, learning and growing along the way...it has been such a gift! But the thread that I am discovering now from doing this wok in this way is opening a brand new door for me...one beckoning me to go tenderly and slow. One asking me to give myself what I want from others...COMPASSION."  -Deanne
"Couldn't resist sharing. It's amazing to me what the Heart Cleanse has opened in my heart, relationships, and life. With love and forgiveness, mistakes are just mistakes. I can acknowledge, label, and take responsibility for my part in a situation without condemning myself into a dark, shameful, unloving abyss. This is huge for me, and shows that old habits CAN be broken with awareness, consistency, patience, and love."
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P.O. Box 170214, Boise, ID 83717